Deleting .Trash folder corrupts vault

Like any other real or virtual drive, Cryptomator vaults don’t delete file you choose to delete and don’t send them to your Trash folder, but create a local .Trash folder. I’ve never had issues deleting these from external drives as needed. Since that folder had become 100GB, I deleted the one in the unlocked vault folder as well. What happened was the vault got corrupt, Cryptomator threw many warnings on how it can’t access it and threw me out of the vault and the vault is not accessible and usable anymore.
This can’t be the normal behavior. I can’t afford to have gigabytes of junk data that I’m not allowed to clear manually.

no response to this?

I have been using Cryptomator for a few years and never known it to create any Trash folder itself inside or outside of the vault. It would be defeating the purpose of encryption?

If you delete a file from within the unlocked vault, it simply prompts to say do you want to delete the file permanently. If you say, the encrypted file is deleted and gone.

Or am I missing something?

If you have the vault on a cloud service, that cloud service will have a deleted file in its Recycle bin for a while - that file will be encrypted still.