Damaged Vault Files

Hello everyone.

New to Crytomator. Just recently started using it. So please be nice if this is a silly question.

I have created a new Vault Documents folder on my PC and called it “Secure Docs”. When I unlock the Vault via CrytoMator I see a new drive is created. So I know that’s where I must add/remove documents I want to be protected with Crytomator.

Now, may question is: What happens if something damages/deletes/adds something to the “Secure Docs” folder I created for the Vault? Is there any way to protect that folder from modification?

Thanks in advance.

Hi and welcome,

cryptomator files are just files like any other.
If something damages the files in your vault, or the (encrypted) vault files, then the file is gone. Like it is with any other corrupted file. Thats why you should have backups of your files, no matter if you encrypt them with cryptomator or not.

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That makes sense, thank you.