Cryptomator without 'kext' (FUSE, FUSE-T etc.)

Dear All,
First: CRYPTOMATOR is really great!
The external use of FUSE, FUSE-T isn’t only annoying, it has inherited at least 2 issues:

1st: what will happen, if MacOS makes in their next version(s) further restrictions. Restrictions all this actual ‘kext’ extensions cannot handle because they are cut out.
You see the example that FUSE is only valid for Versions <13.x and FUSE-T was a quick desperate(?) fix to keep some applications runnig!
As a user you can only hope, that with every new MacOS release there will be delivered an upgrade a.s.a.p.

2nd: Nobody can be sure how long / or if FUSE or FUSE-T in future is supported.
What will happen with CRYPTOMATOR without these ‘drivers’ (in WIN-speech).
As a user you are dependent of a valid ‘kext’, otherwise you have no access to your encrypted data.

My Conclusion: How complicated it might be: Please make CRYPTOMATOR work without all this external ‘drivers’

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For the records: you can switch to WebDAV as volume type if FUSE isn’t available.

You might want to upvote this to get a driver-less alternative to WebDAV:

FUSE-T doesn’t use a kext and was developed to be able to use FUSE without a kernel extension.

I compared FUSE, FUSE-T and WebDAV - including stability and performance tests, and finally stayed at FUSE!

Just saying.

FUSE 4.8.0 perfectly fine supports macOS 15: