Cryptomator Volume on WSL


One of my main volumes on Windows, P:, gets encrypted with Cryptomator. I then unlock the vault’s contents via X:, which I want to access using WSL.

I am opening Tabby and running Bash on WSL / docker-desktop. When listing the directories, I get the following:

DESKTOP:/tmp/docker-desktop-root/mnt/host# ls
c    d    e    g    p    wsl

So, P:/, the encrypted drive, is detected, however, X:/ is not. How can unencrypted volumes be accessed on WSL for Windows?

I had trouble getting the Cryptomator CLI to work in WSL but the GUI worked for me. It picks the mount location automatically. WSL2 GUI support is automatic in Win11 but requires display server software in WIn10.

apt install cryptomator

Set up the vault in the GUI and mount. My vault was mounted at /root/.local/share/Cryptomator/mnt/MyVault