Cryptomator on Android doesn't show all files in vault, while there on Windows: SOLVED

Hello, dear community.

I’m a newbie concerning crytomator. I’ve got online cloud service with pcloud and wanted to securely save a few folders from my Windows PC (Windows 11). I used Cryptomator for that. The upload was a one time thing. So, no second or further uploads/backups yet.
On Cryptomator with Windows, I can see all decrypted uploaded files and folders.

On Cryptomator on Android (I tried it with two different Android smartphones and one Android tablet), I can open this vault. I can see all folders. But in several folders, there are files not shown. It is not file-dependend. So, in a folder, there could be a jpg or a pdf file missing, in another folder another file type. I haven’t seen some “logic” which files cannot be shown on Android.
A few weeks ago, I read that someone described a similar problem. But that user (I cannot find the topic) described that the problem occured with several backups from Linux: some backups could be seen on Android, some backups were missing on Android.

In my case though, there only was one upload. So no change with negotiating/encrypting problem or whatsoever. Either all files should be missing on Android or all files shown. I don’t really get, why not all files are shown in the Android App, while they are perfectly there in the Windows app. Is this a known issue in some configurations?

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi and welcome.

To me this looks like the sync from your PC to pcloud is not completely done.
That would explain why you see the files on your windows machine (were they are generated and Cryptomator desktop has access to them nevertheless if they are updloaded to pcloud or not) but not all on Android (where the mobile app directly connects to your online vault and only sees what was uploaded on pcloud).
Can you check your sync status please?

Thank you, Michael, for your qick reply.

Where do I find the sync status? I open Cryptomator on Windows and click on my vault on “unlock now” and then "reveal drive E:", which opens a virtual drive with the unlocked backup on pcloud. I thought, if I look here and find the files, the sync should be correct? These are the files from pcloud and not local from my computer.

Sorry, if my questions sounds stupid.

Cryptomator Desktop does not sync. (To do this it would have to know your login credetials, which is not the case). The sync is done by your provider sync client, in your case the pcloud app.

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Thank you very much. That seemed to be the problem: the pcloud software on windows showed more than 135GB as remaining. Strange. Obviously a job done by freefilesync doesn’t mean that it actually uploaded everything. pcloud was unresponsive. I had to re-install it. Now it shows some slow progress, even though with only about 512KB/s. In about 3 days I should have synced everything :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for your patience and your explanation!

With regards

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