Cryptomator have any plans to support more cloud storage services?

Currently, only Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and pCloud are supported.
Although there is a way to use S3 or WebDAV, it is difficult to use unless you have professional knowledge.

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Good timing for your question.

I am in the process of writing up some instructions and putting together a brief video tutorial on how to use another program in combination with Cryptomator to achieve the desired results you seek.

There is an Android program called RSAF that is hosted on GitHub. It has the ability to mount many cloud drives and serve them as local drives to Cryptomator.

There is nothing that can be done about the iOS platform but if you have Android you will be able to use all of the cloud providers supported by the cloud mounting utility Rclone. There are about 50 Cloud providers supported or more. And you can have multiple of each.

I need a couple or three days to finish what I’m working on and then I will be posting instructions.

Take care.

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@LeoW : If someone is having trouble establishing an S3 or WebDAV connection to a storage in the Crpytomator app, then I’m afraid they won’t be able to cope with RSAF either.

@PineappleJuice1999 : Setting up a WebDAV connection to your cloud storage provider is nothing more than copying 3 values (see documentation). If you have any problems, please describe them in detail.

To answer your questions: as far as I know there are no plans right now to implement API connections to more providers. Maybe there will be a contribution by community (if then see GitHub), but surely there’s no ETA for that.

Thanks for all your hard work LeoW

AND the rest of Team Cryptomator of course :sunglasses: