Cleaning up folder structure

I have a vault where I use to have about 29k Files and about 2.7K folders. Recently I decided to zip many files together to reduce the number of files. I now have 60 files and 26 Folders in the un-encrypted state.

However the encrypted vault now has about 800 files and still about 2.7k folders. There seems to be too many files leftover. So I checked and see that most of the files are in the “m” directory with .lng extension and also I have many (hundreds) of empty folders in the “d” directory.

After zipping the files, most of the zip files now have short names and am surprise to see so many .lng extensions in the “m” directory. I now only have 60 files, so 800 .lng files seem to be leftover from the previous files and structure

Is there a way to clean up the file and folder structure without corrupting the vault in any way?
Can I delete all the empty folders in the “d” directory with any problem?
It would be good if there was a feature built into to clean up the vault structure.


I’ve just answered the first part about empty folders in a feature request on GitHub: Issue #991

Regarding the second part: Currently, the only way to safely remove metadata files (*.lng files inside the m directory) is to use Sanitizer.

java -jar C:\path\to\sanitizer-0.16.jar check --vault C:\path\to\vault --solve OrphanMFile

Good news: Long filenames will be treated differently in the upcoming version 1.5.0 of Cryptomator. We’ll update our vault format and after that there won’t be an m directory anymore.

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