Cannot upgrade or uninstall

Hello. I just downloaded the update to version 1.6.14. I’m running Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit and I’ve never had issues upgrading in the past.

The upgrade failed with an error stating that another install was running. I shut everything down and restarted the computer. If I try to upgrade or uninstall, I get the same message. Is it possible to manually uninstall the app or is there a file that’s stuck somewhere that I can just delete that’s making the app think there’s another install running?

All cryptomator processes are terminated, nothing running.


Welcome to the Cryptomator Community :slightly_smiling_face:,

Then Cryptomator is still running. How to detect that, see this and followings posts:

Thanks for the reply mate. 100% not running. No other users on the laptop, but I ended up using the Microsoft install / uninstall troubleshooter to get it uninstalled last night.

Seems it’s a deeper problem on my laptop as I can’t install anything. Nothing to do with cryptomator.