Can i rescue a single encrypted file, easily?

as you may know thtere isn’t a perfect cloud encryption solution,
so i tried boxcryptor, cppcryptfs/gocryptfs, cryptomator etc

i am worrying about not able to mount back the containers so i am trying to find a way to rescue them.

in THESE OTHER methods, i could just backup the .conf, and then an encrypted file and the .diriv immediate in the encrypted file’s folder. these THREE things could be enough to decrypt that file and thus rescue it.

I asked perplexity that cryptomator is not that simple as the original folder is flattened.

so, may i ask if somehow my cryptomator dont mount,
i do have the masterkey file, a single encrypted file, then what is needed further?

and how to proceed? use the sanitizor one? will i get back the unencrypted file content AND the unencrypted file name? thx

looks like NOT, no way.