Can Cryptomator be used with ProtonDrive

I’m trying out ProtonMail as well as their Proton Drive. Is it possible to put a Cryptomator vault in Proton Drive? Would it lead to some sort of double encryption that would turn my files into garbage?

Unfortunately not as it seems that proton drive does only offer a web interface (and own mobile apps). No WebDAV, no API, no sync client. At least I can’t find one.
Cryptomator would need that to interact with the storage.

@Blue It’s not possible as of now, as @Michael said (thanks Michael).

But, you could you use it indirectly when Proton Drive adds supports auto-upload. But, then you should also be okay with storing all encrypted files locally and in Proton Drive.

And, no your files won’t turn into garbage unless you forget your Proton, and Cryptomator credentials :wink:

Thanks. I’m actually an elephant. I don’t forget.

It’s a shame that they have not yet gotten around allowing API access.
There is a feature request on their feedback site. You can reach it when you’re logged into any of the Proton services by clicking your account in the top right, select get help and then request a feature.
There is a request for WebDAV support, please upvote it :+1: