Calling up Cryptomator + drive letter via batch possible?

earlier I used to use a batch file to mount a truecrypt container to a explicit drive letter.
(After mounting E:, the same batch file called other programs under the new drive letter E:)
The batch started like this:
“C:\Program Files\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe” /q /v K:\ /letter E

Would this also be possible with Cryptomator?

Best Regards

You can set up cryptomator to start on windows start and configure your vault to open on start of cryptomator. Then your vault is been opened every time your system starts.

thanks, meanwhile I found this option.
I think, it will work.
But is there a way to “overwrite” the program made settings by calling up the program via batch / command line?

You can call any app via batch, if you don’t want to use systems autostsrt.
(Hope I don’t misunderstand you)

Sure you can call any program via batch.
But what about the parameters you can attach to the program call of Cryptomator?

  • name and location of vault folder?
  • Drive letter to be assigned?

For reference:
My batch called truecrypt as follows:
“C:\Program Files\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe” /q /v K:\ /letter E

→ mounts truecrypt container K:\
→ assignes drive letter E: to the mounted drive

You can set up a drive letter for each vault in the vault options.
The name of the vault is also the name of the drive.

To answer your question: no you can’t call cryptomator with parameters via batch.

You can try the experimental console (see GitHub), but I would not recommend it because from my point of view what you want to have can be configured.

I think I will use the parameters via vault options as recommended.
(This generally worked flawless at my tests, but there could be a possible problem if a user plays with these options. Via batch call the parameters would be always “guaranteed”.)

Thank you!