BUG: All files become deleted and irrecoverable (if using right-click commands through Explorer upon 'save as'). Ver 1.10.1 (Win10)

Hi there,

I just wanted to report a serious Bug.

I lost ALL files within a folder when I went to attach a file from within Gmail.

Explorer opens up and asks which file to Attach. Before choosing the file, I right-clicked on a tmp word file which I saw that I did not need, and I selected Delete. (this is NORMAL user behaviour and Explorer allows this type of behaviour with nil issues - BUT NOT FROM WITHIN CRYPTOMATOR it would seem…)

What happened next is Explorer crashed. I did not get to save the document I was working on and EVERYTHING in that folder (including the folder itself) had also been deleted (!!!)

The ENTIRE folder was MISSING.
It was not in the recycle bin.
It did not become recoverable via windows explorer’s search.

Luckily the files were not important, but this behaviour is VERY alarming (!) which is why I am reporting it here.

I have now updated to Ver 1.12.0 (msi-5144). I have NOT tried doing this again.

The reason why I was not up to date, is because even though “Check for Updates Automatically” is selected, I had not been getting any updates. Luckily I checked that today and realised this meant I was on an outdated version. Hopefully Automatic Updates is not broken in the current version (!)

Welcome to the Cryptomator Community :slightly_smiling_face:,

Cryptomator does not delete any files from within the vault without request from the filesystem. If files dissappear, something must have deleted those. Alternatively, something (e.g. sync software) did removed the encrypted files directly.

I tried the same with my Cryptomator installation (Windows 11, latest updates), and neither did Explorer crash and only the selected file was deleted.