Boxcryptor Shuts Down – Here is Your Cloud Encryption Alternative

As mentioned in the last blog post, Dropbox has acquired Boxcryptor’s key technology. This means that Boxcryptor’s services will no longer be available to new users and existing users will likely have to migrate when their contracts expire.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hello, I am one of the Boxcryptor-lost ones…
Now I am searching for a new solution. Is it planned that Cryptomator uses the MagentaCloud of German Telekom, too, and easily such as it does with Dropbox for example - and not by using webdav?
Thanks and greetings!

:point_right: Lewis Dexter Litanzios: "😤 Bye #Dropbox + #Boxcryptor! > 👋 Hi [#Filen]! CC…" - Mastodon


The best (i.e. convenient) file host alternative to Dropbox I could find in a few hours research. I was considering Nextcloud but I don’t have the bandwidth to set that up right now.

Filen seems like it takes encryption seriously out of the box but I may consider layering Cryptomator later…

Hope this helps


@1962up @ldexterldesign
The iOS app is compatible with iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, pCloud, as well as WebDAV and S3 cloud storage. I believe the desktop app will work with most cloud storage services that have desktop sync software (which the above services offer) assuming you install them on your computer. The Cryptomator desktop app needs a “local” storage location to work with, which is what the cloud desktop apps provide.

BTW, Telekom has a MagentaCLOUD app for Windows and MacOS. I haven’t tried it (I’m no longer a Telekom customer), but it may be compatible (at least on the desktop). Best of luck!

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@arthurdent Thank you very much! Yes, I soon managed to let MagentaCloud work together with Cyptomator, on Android and on Windows desktop. Though, thanks for caring!

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It is a very good alternative but the only big downside is that you can have no spotlight search working, because the indexing is not working :frowning: