Best volume type for Windows

Which of those is the best and actually, what’s the difference between them? Could they cause any compatibility issues if I user Cryptomator on iOS and macOS as well? Do file attributes vanish with some? Is one of them faster when loading a lot of online only files on Dropbox?

Those are the options I see:

My best experience is with FUSE (WinSFP).

I am not fully aware of the differences, but this might interest you: Add information "comparing" WinFsp and Dokany · Issue #19 · winfsp/winfsp · GitHub

No. These are just the virtual file systems to show the vault content in your systems file explorer. For the content itself it does not matter which one you use, and you can switch them at any time.

I strongly recommend to not use WebDAV due to technical limitations of WebDAV such as max file size and other.

Dokany (I’m waiting for 2.x), because FUSE (WinFSP) does not work correctly with Windows 365 files (OneNote and etc.) for me. All is well with Dokany 1.5.