Are these features already in the application or pipeline?

Hi guys, love the work you are doing, please keep it up.

  1. May I inquire if the feature below mentioned are already in the current version?
  2. Does Cryptomator render FreeFileSync useless or is there something we can take from them. Btw, FreeFileSync is also opensource. If not, integration could also be awesome.

(Wizard with checkbox “Open everytime app starts”)
Mode 1 Basic
No Frills Usage, just backup from a to b.

Mode 2 Intermediate
Includes Authentication/Encryption etc

Mode 3 Advanced
Configure Active-Workspace, Cache, Archive
Active-Workspace: is how much space intended for use to sync between “a” & “b”, cannot be beyond free space of physical drive. Because obviously cloud space can be bigger than local hard-disk. And at any particular time only a certain amount of data is required and not the entire volume.

Cache: is space in the physical drive that is set aside so that exploration and retrieval of data from archive to Active-Workspace can be accommodated.

Archived: are files on “b” or storage/cloud, which are not meant to be synced on to local computer. This way, files meant to be archived will not occupy unnecessary local disk storage.

Thank you!

Cryptomator desctop does not sync. It does encrypt and decrypt. Thats basically it.
I cannot answer the question if any sync feature will be added in the future, but I would not expect it in the near future.