After Update, Webdav failed

Presumably after an app update, the Wedav connection no longer works (iPhone and iPad). Not even after I created it again. The connection works perfectly via Windows, same connection data. The credentials are Ok.

IOS 17.5.1

Here is the log data, I have changed the address (…). Trail began at 2024/06/20 08:16 (GMT+2):

2024/06/20 06:16:55:630 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:17:06:887 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:18:42:986 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:23:43:054 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:24:41:142 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:26:19:227 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:26:34:783 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:27:08:805 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:29:13:207 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:43:54:189 Setting trialExpirationDate was written with value 2022-03-27 18:32:07 +0000

2024/06/20 06:43:54:189 Setting fullVersionUnlocked was written with value true

2024/06/20 06:43:54:189 Setting hasRunningSubscription was written with value false

2024/06/20 06:44:24:609 Setting trialExpirationDate was written with value 2022-03-27 18:32:07 +0000

2024/06/20 06:44:24:609 Setting fullVersionUnlocked was written with value true

2024/06/20 06:44:24:609 Setting hasRunningSubscription was written with value false

2024/06/20 06:44:40:415 → OPTIONS…

2024/06/20 06:44:40:415 → END OPTIONS

2024/06/20 06:44:40:660 ← 401 unauthorized…

2024/06/20 06:44:40:661 Connection: close

2024/06/20 06:44:40:661 Content-Length: 381

2024/06/20 06:44:40:661 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

2024/06/20 06:44:40:661 Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 06:44:40 GMT

2024/06/20 06:44:40:661 Server: Apache

2024/06/20 06:44:40:662 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains

2024/06/20 06:44:40:662 X-STG-FE:

2024/06/20 06:44:40:662 Body:

401 Unauthorized


This server could not verify that you

are authorized to access the document

requested. Either you supplied the wrong

credentials (e.g., bad password), or your

browser doesn’t understand how to supply

the credentials required.

2024/06/20 06:44:40:662 ← END HTTP (381-byte body)

2024/06/20 06:44:41:803 Error: httpError(nil, statusCode: 401)

2024/06/20 06:44:53:152 Setting trialExpirationDate was written with value 2022-03-27 18:32:07 +0000

2024/06/20 06:44:53:153 Setting fullVersionUnlocked was written with value true

2024/06/20 06:44:53:153 Setting hasRunningSubscription was written with value false

Same problem with my “Ionos HiDrive Cloud”
“Login with Touch ID was not successful”

iPad (6. Generation)
OS 17.5.1

No problem with MacBook

Same problem, began the last days.
WeDAV-connection to Ionos HiDrive failed with error messages „wrong user or passwortd“ or „unauthorized“.
But username an password are right an the Ionos WebDAV-Server is working, as i testes with other programms.

Same here :frowning:
same problem. I have no idea

Same problem, but “luckily” not alone. I was already doubting myself.
Strato HiDrive - WebDav - iphone/ipad
Happy about a solution

1 Like

Same problem, almost went crazy…

Ionos HiDrive - WebDav - iOS

(Firefox/MacOS etc. works)

Thank you all for your reports. The log messages are very unexpected, since the HiDrive server responds with 401, which should indicate a wrong username/password. We haven’t updated the iOS app for some time and other WebDAV connections (I tried with Nextcloud) aren’t affected, so I believe something has changed at HiDrive a couple of days ago. We’ll try to look into it as soon as possible, we don’t have test credentials at hand, so we have to somehow reproduce this error first.

1 Like

We’ve made some tests with STRATO HiDrive and IONOS HiDrive.

Is it possible that you all enabled 2FA?

As you can see, you have to enter the OTP behind the password. But I believe that would be absolutely impractical for Cryptomator because the password is then just 30-60 minutes “active”. They recommend to deactivate 2FA or create a new user without 2FA.

Does that help? Or do you really have problems without 2FA enabled?

No 2FA activated. The connection on the iPhone works with several other WebDav apps, such as WebDav Navigator +, Documents etc … But even if they can be integrated via the iPhone Files APP, they do not work with Cryptomator due to the allegedly missing “folder selection” function, which I also find a bit strange … I’ve now switched to onedrive out of necessity, but I’d rather have my encrypted data on German servers.

Thank you for taking care of this.

whatever was done - it works again :star_struck:

thank you

Yes, works again. Strato/Ionos?!

Oh, really? I guess, they took care of it before I was able to reproduce it. Glad that it works again.

Is there an alternative WebDav client for the iPhone that works with Cryptomater? Which one could be used in case something like this happens again?