Directory appears empty on Mac, but contains all files in iOS App in same directory

Using Cryptomator V1.9.1 on Mac (OS Ventura, Intel based platform, vault stored in Apple iCloud, installed macFuse Version 4.5.0). Somehow Cryptomator on my Mac is not able to display all files in one directory, while for the same directory in iOS App I can access all files without problems (with full integrity). A database check did not reveal any anomalies or issues with the db, the log-file appears normal.

What may cause this sync issue and how can I initiate a full re-sync on my Mac computer?

If your vault is stored on iCloud, please make sure that the folder is fully synced offline. In order to do that, click on the cloud icon next to the folder. Unfortunately, these offloaded files are represented in the file system as placeholder files that don’t offer an easy way for transparent access to the actual files. Not sure why Apple did something like that…

For more technical information, see:

If that’s not the issue, please let me know.

Thank you Tobi, the issue is solved. Once one understand the basic idea, it’s totally logical. Clicking on the cloud icon on the laptop started a complete download and thus all files are visible again in Cryptomator. Many thanks for the valuable advice! BR Andreas

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