import sys import os import subprocess import shutil import ctypes import wx import string from datetime import datetime import ctypes # ensure wxWidgets can be called whenever needed app = wx.App() app.MainLoop() # settings ourPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) titleStart = 'EncFol - ' robocopyExePath = 'robocopy.exe' winMergeExePath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe' veraCryptPath = 'C:\Program Files\VeraCrypt\VeraCrypt.exe' veraCryptFormatPath = 'C:\Program Files\VeraCrypt\VeraCrypt Format.exe' junctionExePath = os.path.join(ourPath, 'Junction64.exe') bytesPerMB = 1048576 relFreeTooLowSize = 0.06 relFreeTooHighSize = 0.4 growShrinkFactor = 1.3 minSize = 10 * bytesPerMB minFreeSize = 5 * bytesPerMB # load the common icons normalIco = wx.Icon(os.path.join(ourPath, 'Icon.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) attentionIco = wx.Icon(os.path.join(ourPath, 'Attention.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) # gets a backup filepath version to use for the given filepath def GetBackupFilePath(filePath): fileBasePath, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filePath) return fileBasePath + ' - backup ' +'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S') + fileExtension # shows the given error def ShowError(title, prompt): wx.MessageBox(prompt, titleStart + title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION | wx.CENTRE) # returns if the given drive is mounted def IsDriveMounted(driveLetter): driveNr = ord(driveLetter[0].upper()) - ord('A') driveMask = pow(2, driveNr) return ctypes.cdll.kernel32.GetLogicalDrives() & driveMask != 0 # gets the next available drive root # returns None if it couldn't be found def GetFreeDriveRoot(): # get a list of all drives' availability state driveStatusBitmask = ctypes.cdll.kernel32.GetLogicalDrives() driveStatusString = (bin(driveStatusBitmask)[:1:-1] + '0' * 26)[:26] # associate drive letters with them driveStatusses = zip(string.ascii_uppercase, driveStatusString) # weed out the unavailable and only use drive nr. 8 (H:) onward to give USB & DVD drives some space availableDriveLetters = ''.join([driveLetter if driveBit == '0' else '' for driveLetter, driveBit in driveStatusses][8:]) # and return the highest available drive letter if len(availableDriveLetters) == 0: return None else: return availableDriveLetters[-1] + ':\\' # wait dialog to wait for a drive to either be mounted or dismounted # returns either: # - ID_OK: drive finished mounting/unmounting # - ID_CANCEL: user cancelled class TWaitMountUnmountDlg(wx.Dialog): # constructor def __init__(self, driveRoot, waitMounted): # note the options used self.driveRoot = driveRoot self.waitMounted = waitMounted # init the dialog itself wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, '{}Waiting for {}'.format(titleStart, 'mounting' if waitMounted else 'unmounting')) self.SetIcon(normalIco) # set a timer self.waitCycleNr = 0 self.updateTimer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnUpdateTimer, self.updateTimer) self.updateTimer.Start(500) # create the main sizer mainBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # add the controls label = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, label='... Waiting for the encrypted drive to be {} ...'.format('mounted' if waitMounted else 'unmounted')) mainBox.Add(label, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 10) buttonBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) mainBox.Add(buttonBox, 0, wx.CENTRE, 0) cancelCtrl = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, label='Cancel') buttonBox.Add(cancelCtrl, 0, 0, 0) # and finalize the GUI self.SetSizerAndFit(mainBox) currentSize = self.GetSize() self.SetSizeHints(currentSize.x, currentSize.y, -1, currentSize.y) cancelCtrl.SetFocus() self.Centre() # update timer notifications def OnUpdateTimer(self, event): # check if the drive is already in the correct state if IsDriveMounted(self.driveRoot) == self.waitMounted: # yes -> our purpose is fullfilled self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) # waits for the given drive to be mounted or dismounted # returns if the drive was mounted or dismounted def WaitDrive(driveRoot, waitForMount): # look if the drive is already in the correct state driveStateOK = IsDriveMounted(driveRoot) == waitForMount if not driveStateOK: # no -> wait for it with TWaitMountUnmountDlg(driveRoot, waitForMount) as dlg: driveStateOK = wx.ID_OK == dlg.ShowModal() # and return the verdict return driveStateOK # inspects if the given container is already mounted def IsAlreadyMounted(containerMountLogPath, mountPath): # check if the mount log is even there isMounted = False if os.path.isfile(containerMountLogPath): # yes -> look at what drive it was mounted last file = None allReadOK = True try: file = open(containerMountLogPath, 'r') prevDriveRoot = file.readline().strip() prevMountPath = file.readline().strip() except: allReadOK = False finally: if file != None: file.close() if allReadOK: # done -> look if it's still mounted there isMounted = os.path.isdir(prevMountPath) and IsDriveMounted(prevDriveRoot) and mountPath.casefold() == prevMountPath.casefold() # and return the verdict return isMounted # asks for the container password to use def GetContainerPassword(): passDialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, 'Password for Encrypted folder', titleStart + 'Enter the password for the Encrypted folder:', '', wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.TE_PASSWORD | wx.CENTRE) if passDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: return passDialog.GetValue(); else: return '' # unmounts the given container, possibly also first removing any junction to it def UnmountContainer(driveRoot, mountPath=None): # remove any junction allOK = True if mountPath != None: result =[junctionExePath, '-d', mountPath]) if result.returncode != 0: allOK = False if allOK: # done -> dismount the container as well result =[veraCryptPath, '/dismount', driveRoot[0], '/quit', 'background']) if result.returncode != 0: allOK = False # and return our status return allOK # mounts the given container in the given drive root, # also creating a temp junction to access it def MountContainer(containerPath, password, driveRoot, mountPath, containerMountLogPath=None): # mount the drive allOK = False result =[veraCryptPath, '/volume', containerPath, '/letter', driveRoot[0], '/password', password, '/hash', 'sha-512', '/nowaitdlg', '/mountoption', 'timestamp', '/quit', 'background']) if result.returncode == 0: # done -> wait for it to show up if WaitDrive(driveRoot, True): # done -> remove any remainders of old junctions result =[junctionExePath, '-d', mountPath]) # and map a junction to it for use under it's own folder name result =[junctionExePath, mountPath, driveRoot]) allOK = result.returncode == 0 if not allOK: # error -> unmount it again UnmountContainer(driveRoot) else: # done -> look if to log the mount result if containerMountLogPath != None: # yes -> do so with open(containerMountLogPath, 'w') as file: file.write(driveRoot + '\n' + mountPath) # and return if the mount succeeded return allOK # creates the given container with the given size, # and mounts it in the given drive root, # also creating a temp junction to access it def CreateContainer(containerPath, desiredSizeMB, password, driveRoot, mountPath): # create the container result =[veraCryptFormatPath, '/create', containerPath, '/size', str(desiredSizeMB) + 'M', '/password', password, '/hash', 'sha512', '/encryption', 'AES', '/filesystem', 'NTFS']) # and return our status return result.returncode == 0 # copies the given folder, also letting the user decide if the copy was successful def CopyFolder(sourceFolder, destFolder): # make the copy allOK = False result =[robocopyExePath, sourceFolder, destFolder, '/mir', '/e', '/copy:dat', '/dcopy:dat', '/xd', 'System Volume Information', '$RECYCLE.BIN']) # let the user decide if the copy is OK result =[winMergeExePath, '/r', '/xq', '/u', sourceFolder, destFolder]) allOK = result.returncode == 0 if allOK: allOK = wx.YES == wx.MessageBox('Is the copied data OK?', titleStart + 'Copied OK', wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.CENTRE) # and return if all is OK return allOK # single after-mount option class TAfterMountOption: # constructor def __init__(self, name): = name self.commands = [] # adds the given command def AddCommand(self, type, cmdline): self.commands.append((type.lower(), cmdline)) # gets the available options from the given options file # returns a list of commands keyed by their label, # where command lists are lists of (mode, cmdline) def GetAllAfterMountOptions(optionsFilePath, mountPath): # look if the given options file is present allOptions = [] if not os.path.isfile(optionsFilePath): # no -> just return a single option that just opens the mount path defaultOption = TAfterMountOption('Default') defaultOption.AddCommand('s', mountPath) allOptions.append(defaultOption) else: # yes -> parse it currentOption = None with open(containerOptionsPath, 'r') as optionsFile: for nextLine in optionsFile.readlines(): nextLine = nextLine.strip() if len(nextLine) > 0: if nextLine[0] == '[' and nextLine[-1] == ']': currentOption = TAfterMountOption(nextLine[1:-1]) allOptions.append(currentOption) elif currentOption != None: currentOption.AddCommand(nextLine[0], nextLine[2:].replace("[MOUNTPATH]", mountPath)) # and return the found options return allOptions # dialog to let the user choose from one of the given options # returns ID_OK / ID_CANCEL to denote status class TChooseOptionDlg(wx.Dialog): # constructor def __init__(self, allOptions): # note the options used self.allOptions = allOptions self.chosenOption = None # init the dialog itself wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, -1, '{}What way to mount the folder?'.format(titleStart)) self.SetIcon(normalIco) # create the main sizer mainBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # add the controls label = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, label='What to do?') mainBox.Add(label, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 10) buttonBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainBox.Add(buttonBox, 0, wx.CENTRE, 0) firstOptionCtrl = None for nextOption in allOptions: optionCtrl = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, if firstOptionCtrl == None: firstOptionCtrl = optionCtrl optionCtrl.option = nextOption optionCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOptionClicked) buttonBox.Add(optionCtrl, 0, wx.TOP | wx.CENTRE | wx.EXPAND, 7) cancelCtrl = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, label='Cancel') buttonBox.Add(cancelCtrl, 0, wx.TOP | wx.CENTRE, 14) # and finalize the GUI self.SetSizerAndFit(mainBox) currentSize = self.GetSize() self.SetSizeHints(currentSize.x, currentSize.y, -1, currentSize.y) firstOptionCtrl.SetFocus() self.Centre() # option button click notifications def OnOptionClicked(self, event): # note the option the button stands for self.chosenOption = event.GetEventObject().option # and no use to stick around self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) # returns the chosen option, or None if none was chosen def ChosenOption(self): return self.chosenOption # gets the after-mount option to use def GetAfterMountOption(containerOptionsPath, mountPath): # get all available options allOptions = GetAllAfterMountOptions(containerOptionsPath, mountPath) # look if there's more than one chosenOption = None if len(allOptions) == 1: # no -> just default to it chosenOption = allOptions[0] else: # yes -> ask for the one to use with TChooseOptionDlg(allOptions) as dlg: if wx.ID_CANCEL != dlg.ShowModal(): # done -> use that option chosenOption = dlg.ChosenOption() # and return the chosen option, if any return chosenOption # dialog to let the user indicate he's done with the container class TWaitDoneDialog(wx.Dialog): # constructor def __init__(self, containerName): # init the dialog itself wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, '{}Waiting for {}'.format(titleStart, containerName)) self.SetIcon(attentionIco) # create the main sizer mainBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # add the controls label = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, label="Press 'Done' to close the encrypted folder '{}'".format(containerName)) mainBox.Add(label, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 10) buttonBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) mainBox.Add(buttonBox, 0, wx.CENTER, 0) notYetDoneCtrl = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, label='Not done') buttonBox.Add(notYetDoneCtrl, 0, wx.RIGHT, 7) doneCtrl = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, label='Done') doneCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnDoneClicked) buttonBox.Add(doneCtrl, 0, 0, 0) # and finalize the GUI self.SetSizerAndFit(mainBox) currentSize = self.GetSize() self.SetSizeHints(currentSize.x, currentSize.y, -1, currentSize.y) notYetDoneCtrl.SetFocus() self.Centre() # done button click notifications def OnDoneClicked(self, event): self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) # runs the commands specified in the given after-mount option def RunAfterMountCommands(option, mountPath): # process each command goOn = True for nextType, nextCmdLine in option.commands: try: if nextType == 'r':, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None) else: os.startfile(nextCmdLine) except Exception as exception: # error -> tell and quit ShowError('Error running command', 'There was an error running the following after-mount command:\n{}.\n\n{}'.format(nextCmdLine, exception)) goOn = False if not goOn: break; # evaluates if the given mounted container is still of the right size # returns a new suggested size if a resize is needed, or None otherwise def EvaluateContainerSize(driveRoot, forceResize, containerName): # get stats on the container oldSize, usedSize, freeSize = shutil.disk_usage(driveRoot) relFree = freeSize / oldSize # look if the container size is still appropriate mustResize = False if relFree < relFreeTooLowSize or freeSize < minFreeSize: # no (too small) -> note mustResize = True resizePrePrompt = 'The ' + containerName + ' folder is getting pretty full; expansion is suggested.' elif relFree > relFreeTooHighSize: # no (too big) -> note mustResize = True resizePrePrompt = 'The ' + containerName + ' folder is oversized; shrinking is suggested.' else: # yes -> note mustResize = forceResize resizePrePrompt = 'Manual resize of ' + containerName + ' is requested.' if mustResize: # no -> determine the desired new size suggestedSize = max(usedSize * growShrinkFactor, minSize) suggestedFreeSize = suggestedSize - usedSize if suggestedFreeSize < minFreeSize: suggestedSize += minFreeSize - suggestedFreeSize suggestedSizeMB = round(suggestedSize / bytesPerMB) mustResize = suggestedSizeMB != round(oldSize / bytesPerMB) or forceResize if mustResize: # something else -> ask if allowed to resize prompt = resizePrePrompt + '\nSize: {}\nUsed: {}\nFree: {}\n\nResizing the encrypted folder will also empty it\'s recycle bin!\n\nPlease specify the desired size, in MB:'.format(round(oldSize / bytesPerMB), round(usedSize / bytesPerMB), round(freeSize / bytesPerMB)) dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, prompt, 'Enter new encrypted folder size', str(suggestedSizeMB), wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.CENTRE) mustResize = dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK if mustResize: desiredSizeMB = dlg.GetValue().strip(); mustResize = len(desiredSizeMB) > 0 and desiredSizeMB.isdigit() if mustResize: desiredSizeMB = int(desiredSizeMB) # and return the desired size, if any return desiredSizeMB if mustResize else None # gets the invocation details # returns (operation, containerPath), or (None, None) on error def GetInvocationDetails(): # look which container to mount allOK = False if len(sys.argv) < 3: # none -> error ShowError('Illegal invocation', 'Wrong invocation... Need 2 args; .') else: # done -> get the context operation = sys.argv[1].lower().strip()[0] containerPath = sys.argv[2] # look if we're called with a valid operation allOK = operation in ['m', 'r'] if not allOK: # no -> error ShowError('Illegal invocation', 'Wrong operation specified. Please only specify either M or R.') # and return our result if allOK: return (operation, containerPath) else: return (None, None) # ensure we show the right icon in the taskbar myappid = 'TwoLogs.MountEncryptedFolder' ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid) # look how we're called operation, containerPath = GetInvocationDetails() if operation != None: # done -> get the container's details doFullMount = operation == 'm' doResizeOnly = not doFullMount mountPath, containerExtension = os.path.splitext(containerPath) containerOptionsPath = mountPath + '.encopt' containerMountLogPath = mountPath + '.encmnt' containerName = os.path.basename(mountPath) # look if the container is already mounted isAlreadyMounted = IsAlreadyMounted(containerMountLogPath, mountPath) if isAlreadyMounted: # yes -> look if the operation conflicts if doResizeOnly: ShowError('Mount conflict', 'This folder is already mounted by a previous invocation; please close that session first.') # yes -> tell else: # no -> look what option to use chosenOption = GetAfterMountOption(containerOptionsPath, mountPath) if chosenOption != None: # done -> run any after-mount commands RunAfterMountCommands(chosenOption, mountPath) else: # no -> look which drive letter is still free driveRoot = GetFreeDriveRoot() if driveRoot == None: # none! -> error ShowError('No more drives available', 'All drive letters from H: on are already in use; please close one first before accessing this encrypted folder.') else: # done -> ask for the password password = GetContainerPassword() if len(password) > 0: # done -> look if to also get any mount options if doFullMount: # yes -> get one chosenOption = GetAfterMountOption(containerOptionsPath, mountPath) # look if an option was chosen, when needed if doResizeOnly or chosenOption != None: # yes -> pre-run Veracrypt so it won't cause to wait on the main veracrypt process subprocess.Popen([veraCryptPath, '/q', 'background']) # mount the container if not MountContainer(containerPath, password, driveRoot, mountPath, containerMountLogPath): # it didn't -> error ShowError('Encrypted folder not mounted', 'There was an error mounting the corresponding encrypted folder.') else: # done -> look if to do a full mount if doFullMount: # yes -> run any after-mount commands RunAfterMountCommands(chosenOption, mountPath) # and wait for the user to be done with it with TWaitDoneDialog(containerName) as dlg: dlg.ShowModal() # look if a new size is desired desiredSizeMB = EvaluateContainerSize(driveRoot, operation == 'r', containerName) mustResize = desiredSizeMB != None if mustResize: # yes -> get a free drive letter to mount the resized container on resizeDriveRoot = GetFreeDriveRoot() if resizeDriveRoot == None: # none! -> error ShowError('No more drives available', 'All drive letters from H: on are already in use; please close one first before resizing this encrypted folder.') mustResize = False else: # done -> create the new container, mounting it parallel to the original resizeContainerPath = containerPath + '.new' resizeMountPath = mountPath + '_new' copiedOK = False if not CreateContainer(resizeContainerPath, desiredSizeMB, password, resizeDriveRoot, resizeMountPath): # couldn't create -> error ShowError('Error creating new encrypted folder', 'There was an error creating the resized encrypted folder.') elif not MountContainer(resizeContainerPath, password, resizeDriveRoot, resizeMountPath): # couldn't mount -> error ShowError('Error mounting the new encrypted folder', 'There was an error mounting the resized encrypted folder.') else: # done -> copy everything over copiedOK = CopyFolder(mountPath, resizeMountPath) # and dismount the container again UnmountContainer(resizeDriveRoot, resizeMountPath) # remove the junction again UnmountContainer(driveRoot, mountPath) os.remove(containerMountLogPath) # and look if a new container is there if mustResize: # yes -> wait for the containers to be dismounted killResizeCopy = True driveFound = WaitDrive(driveRoot, False) and WaitDrive(resizeDriveRoot, False) # look if all went well so far if driveFound and copiedOK: # yes -> backup the old one backupFilePath = GetBackupFilePath(containerPath) os.rename(containerPath, backupFilePath) # and move the new one in it's place os.rename(resizeContainerPath, containerPath) killResizeCopy = False # and kill the resize copy, if still needed if killResizeCopy and os.path.isfile(resizeContainerPath): # no -> thow away the copy instead os.remove(resizeContainerPath)