Replace unison+davfs2


I’m currently using the solution unison+davfs2 on Linux against a central WebDAV server. On Android I’m using Foldersync. This all is not encrypted.
GitHub - bcpierce00/unison: Unison file synchronizer

I would like to go for Cryptomator because of the encryption.

First issue I see that the Linux app (.AppImage) is not supporting any cloud like Dropbox, Google Drive etc., not even supports WebDAV. It only supports local files or could use some webdav:// support of gvfs I guess. That means the WebDAV part still requires additional tools and I could use dafvs2 fuse mount.

Next issue, I can only use the Cryptomator as a File Browser. My Linux machines are all encrypted. And I need the full directory tree for working with many different tools like LibreOffice, grep, pdfgrep, Gimp, etc… Using a different file browser and temporarilly storing to $TEMP is usually annoying.

I know that Cryptomator is not a synchronizing tool. Is there any way to extract only the encrypting implementation of Cryptomator for synchronizing against a cloud?

On Android it’s similar. Some files I synchronize to the local filesystem via FolderSync because some Tools like Picture viewers can only work on local directory trees.

Maybe the synchronizing part like unison or FolderSync do is more work than the crypting part. I would also like to ask FolderSync devs to add encryption. But that should still be a multi-platform standard to access from different operating systems.
There was GitHub - vgough/encfs: EncFS: an Encrypted Filesystem for FUSE. for Linux but unmaintained since 4 years and not sure if compatible to Android.