Password Unlock Just Spinning After Reseting New Password

I changed the cache location of GoogleDrive. I then deleted the vault I had in the windows app and opened it again. Then I realized I didn’t remember the full password I set up originally for that vault. I reset my password using the using the recovery key via password recovery option. Then when I tried to login with the newly reset password, the Unlock button is just spinning. No error that I am using the wrong password (that I just rest)…the whole password popup window is grayed out and the Unlock Button is just spinning.


Welcome to the Cryptomator Community :slight_smile:

what version of Cryptomator are you using? And does the log file of Cryptomator show any ERRORs, WARNings or Exceptions ?

I am using version 1.5.6 (exe-166)

When just tried it again, it created a 5MB log file. I am not sure if it is safe to post here or not.

You can send us the log file via a PM (private message) or mail.