Overview of Development?


Sorry if this is covered elsewhere, but I haven’t found it:
Is there an overview of the development approach?

  • How features are planned/discussed/agreed?
  • How many developers are involved?
  • Are public contributions accepted?
  • If so, what is the volunteer method/approach?

In short: is this a good community to join in, with?


Uh, sort of? :sweat_smile: At the bottom on the website is a small section labeld “Contribute”. There you can find links for development and translation.

For the project management we rely mainly on github. For contribution it is the classical issue-fork-pullrequest approach:

  1. Create an issue for your feature request
  2. Discuss in the issue with the developers your feature request
  3. If it gets approved, fork the git repository
  4. Implement the feature
  5. Create pull request
  6. If the PR gets through the review it will be merged back to the main project.

For examples have a look at the closed PRs. (e.g. Implemented graceful shutdown confirmation dialog by jellemdekker · Pull Request #690 · cryptomator/cryptomator · GitHub)