GoogleDrive shows Metadata of encrypted files when uploaded with cyberduck

When uploading files to a Vault in Google Drive directly with Cyberduck it seems that Google Drive knows the filetype of the uploaded file.

I realize that certain metadata is left unencrypted such as file counts, sizes and dates, but I was surprised to see that gDrive knows the filetype.

screencap of file in Goolge Drive web showing filetype:

Since this is a question that does not match the previous topic, I created a new one.

I recommend you to ask the same question in the cyberduck board.

Cyberduck support has replied that:
“For Google Drive, we do set the content type of the unencrypted file in metadata.”

So, I guess this is a case of Cyberduck not strictly adhering to the Cryptomator specifications…

Having the filetype visible may not be a major security risk, but it is unexpected, given the the info about what data is encrypted provided at: