Cannot close the safes

Hello everybody,
unfortunately I cannot close the automatically opened safes on the desktop. Clicking on locks does not block them. I can’t take the passwords anywhere. Do you know this? Is there a trick?

Cryptomator 1.5.5
macOS 10.15.5

Maybe I misunderstood you, but if you select your vault and click the „Lock“ button in the right section of the app window, then your vault should be closed.

Yes, but it does not. Even that is the problem…

Is there any message thrown in the log file? Can you post one here please?

Hello Michael, I want to but see the message “Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.” :wink:

How long will I be a “new user”…?

I upgraded you to upload attachments.

Thank you very much for upgrading me. Here is the desired log file:

cryptomator1.log (18.7 KB)

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

Ich denke dieser Eintrag beschreibt den Fehler:

Keine Berechtigung zum Senden von Apple-Events an Finder. (-1743)

Evtl hat ein Apple affiner User eine Idee was die Ursache sein kann? :wink: