Application unresponsive after installation

The following error is occurring to me when installing the desktop app on Mac (reproducible every time).
After downloading and installing the newest version (directly from the homepage or GitHub, same error also with older versions), I go for the installation, accept the ToS and directly afterwards the app stalls and becomes unresponsive (without an application window opening and no logs being produced).

Deinstalling the application and installing it again does not help, same error occurs after new installation. This error is occurring under macOS 15.2 and macOS 15.1. It is occurring since I deinstalled Cryptomator as a try to debug the same behaviour surfacing after Cryptomator failed to lock a vault on first try because moving a file from one vault to another failed and interrupting said process did not work.

Can someone point me to relevant resources to debug this?

I don’t have the right terminology at this point to properly describe it, but it seems like the initial problem resulted from Cryptomator trying to access a resource that was unmounted/corrupted?. With every new installation Cryptomator seemingly retried to connect to this resource/vault again thus causing the same behaviour over and over again.
I broke the cycle by unmounting the resources and re-installing Cryptomator. This worked fine.
If I now try to connect to said resource/vault, Cryptomator stalls again and freezes as described before.

I assume it comes down to the vault being somehow corrupted in a way, that every attempt of opening it causes Cryptomator to crash.